Team Sideline

We are using Team Sideline to register players and coaches for the Spring/Summer sports. Since we are still testing this out and shaking out our procedures, we are asking players and coaches for most organizations to do a SECOND registration in Team Sidelines so we can capitalize on some of its benefits for this season. Complete this SECOND registration after registering for your parish/school as usual. Team rosters and therefore player/coach qualification are being determined from Team Sidelines. We have two parishes that are registering only in Team Sideline allowing us to test out this portion of the system. Thank you for their diligence and assistance.

When you register in Team Sidelines, you select an organization where you typically play all sports. That is where your registration would typically start for any sport. The young athletes in your family need to qualify per parish of residence, parish of registration, or school. Whether the athlete qualifies for the organization is determined subsequent to the registration but before team rosters are created. The Parish of Residence is being confirmed using the Archdiocesan Parish Finder. Details of the criteria for each South Central organization can be downloaded using the following link.

Click here for information on determining the correct organization for registration.

A few days after you register, you will see whether your registration has been accepted. Check Account Overview.

For players, there is an eligibility field for each sport. If the registration is acceptable, you will see OK followed by the date that the processing was completed. If more information is requested, email that information to Do NOT enroll a second time. If the account is marked as not eligible, I will reach out to the Lay Director for that sport and organization to collect more information surrounding the request to play for that organization to see if eligibility can be confirmed.

For coaches, P&P Check Date must follow 2/1/2021 and CYC Coaching Elg must have a value.

Your family registration is associated with an email address. This is the email that can also be used for the role of a parent, coach, or game official. When you log in, functions appropriate to your roles in the program appear. If you are performing administrative functions in Team Sideline, then you need to use a separate email and your login is assigned by the site administrator. For example, Lay Directors and Assignors for Game Officials have a second login.

Thanks for making our program better.